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Version: v0.5

Quick Start


  • Ensure kubectl is installed.
  • Ensure helm is installed.
  • If you do not have a ready-made cluster, you still need a kind.

Create Cluster (Optional)​

First, if you do not have a ready-made cluster, you need to create a kubernetes cluster in your local environment with the kind tool. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a cluster. You can create a cluster named demo-cluster using the following command:

    kind create cluster --name demo-cluster

    This will create a new Kubernetes cluster in your local Docker environment. Wait for a moment until the cluster creation is complete.

  2. Verify that the cluster is running properly by executing the command:

    kubectl cluster-info

    If everything is set up correctly, you'll see information about your Kubernetes cluster.


To install Karpor, execute the following command in your terminal:

helm repo add kusionstack
helm repo update
helm install karpor kusionstack/karpor

For more installation details, please refer to the Installation Documentation.


Access Karpor Dashboard​

  1. Run the following command to access the Karpor service running in the cluster:

    kubectl -n karpor port-forward service/karpor-server 7443:7443

    After executing this command, if you access port 7443 on your local machine, the traffic will be forwarded to port 7443 of the karpor-server service in the Kubernetes cluster.

  2. Open your browser and enter the following URL: 

This will open the Karpor Web interface. 👇

Open in Browser

Congratulations! 🎉 You have successfully installed Karpor. Now you can start using Karpor to explore and gain insights into resources across multiple clusters.

Create Access Token​

Before registering clusters, you need to create an access token to log in to the Karpor Web interface. Here are the brief steps to create a token:

  1. Export the KubeConfig of the Hub Cluster:
kubectl get configmap karpor-kubeconfig -n karpor -o go-template='{{.data.config}}' > $HOME/.kube/karpor-hub-cluster.kubeconfig
  1. Create ServiceAccount and ClusterRoleBinding:
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/karpor-hub-cluster.kubeconfig
kubectl create serviceaccount karpor-admin
kubectl create clusterrolebinding karpor-admin --clusterrole=karpor-admin --serviceaccount=default:karpor-admin
  1. Create token:
kubectl create token karpor-admin --duration=1000h

Copy the generated token, which will be used later to log in to the Karpor Web interface.

For detailed instructions on creating tokens, please refer to the How to Create Token documentation.

Register Cluster​

To register a new cluster with Karpor, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Karpor Web interface using the token created in the previous step.

  2. Navigate to the Cluster Management section in the Karpor UI.

  3. Click on the Register Cluster button.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration process.

  5. When registering a cluster, please note the following:

    • The cluster name must be unique and cannot be changed once created.
    • Ensure that there is network connectivity between the server address (target cluster address) in the uploaded cluster certificate and Karpor.
    • If you deployed Karpor in a local cluster and want to register that local cluster, you need to modify the server address in the cluster certificate to the internal cluster address https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443 to ensure that Karpor can directly access the target cluster.
    • If you want to register an EKS cluster, additional configuration of the kubeconfig is required, including adding the env, interactiveMode, and provideClusterInfo fields. For detailed steps, please refer to the "Registering an EKS Cluster" section in the Multi-cluster Management documentation.
  6. After completing the above steps, click the Validate and Submit button.

An example of the Register Cluster page can be found in the image below:

For a more detailed explanation of the registration process, refer to the Multi-cluster management Documentation.

Search Resources​

Karpor provides a powerful search feature that allows you to quickly find resources across the registered clusters. To use this feature:

  1. Go to the Search page within the Karpor UI.
  2. Enter the search criteria for the resources you are looking for.

Here is an example of the Search page:

To learn more about the search capabilities and how to use them effectively, check out the Search Methods Documentation.

Gain Insight into Resources​

By clicking on a result from your search, you can delve into the Insight page, where you'll be able to investigate risks related to the resource, see a topological view with its relevant resources, and examine its detailed information.

Here are examples for what you can find on the Insight page:


Please note that this guide only provides a quick start for Karpor, and you may need to refer to additional documentations and resources to configure and use other features.

If you have any questions or concerns, check out the official documentation of Karpor or seek relevant support.

Next Step​